The Creative Compass Journey

Find your Stories and
Create with Confidence.

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The Creative Compass Journey is a 3-month program for people ready to take their ideas to the next level and create the stories they are meant to tell.

Stories are like ideas with superpowers. They have the ability to heal, connect, transform and inspire. 

This comprehensive program is designed to help you own your creative voice and find your unique path. It will ground you in a solid understanding of your life stories and insights gained from lived experience, as well as your knowledge and expertise, to find stories and ideas you can use in your personal or professional work.

As we work together, you'll connect to your own inner compass that guides you to your unique stories.

  • By the end of month one, you'll have a base of stories. You'll be more connected to yourself through exploring your inner and outer landscapes. You'll have reflected on your life and created a narrative map that shows you how the twists and turns in your life have helped you land where you are, and that reveals where you may be going next.

  • In month two, you'll start to hone your skills in descriptive writing and storytelling to help you uncover your unique and meaningful themes and directions. 

  • By month three, you'll be pointed clearly on your path and take steps to develop a body of work that you feel called to complete.

From this vantage point, you will have the foundation you need to create stories that you can turn into essays, poems, blogs, songs, novels, or into talks, programs or guided experiences.

Along the way, you'll gain prompts and tools you can use to generate fresh ideas or polish an existing project. Through the small group of fellow travelers, plus 1:1 personal mentorship with Erica, you will find the ongoing support, accountability and encouragement you need to stay engaged.

This program is for all levels of experience; from the perpetually curious to the seasoned creative pro.

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It's for you if:

  • You want to express yourself, and feel you have stories to tell.
  • You want to hone your skills, develop your craft and communicate more effectively.
  • You want to write, yet do not seem to take the time to do it.
  • You want to look at your work from a fresh perspective
  • You want to create more powerful learning opportunities for others. 
  • You'd thrive in a supportive community of peers.

It's for you even if: 

  • You're unsure if you are a writer, but you feel called to try.
  • You have lots of ideas, but don’t know where to start.
  • You're already writing, but feel stuck.
  • You could use a creative boost.
  • You're tired of trying to figure it out on your own.
  • You know sharing information is valuable, but stories are the key to opening the heart.
  • You know you would thrive with more structure and more support.

From working with thousands of individuals over the past several decades, one thing I know for sure is this:  

Everyone has stories of place and belonging, waiting to be remembered or revealed. 

Finding your stories can add a kind of meaning and depth to life that can often get lost in the rush of the everyday.

And when you start to write about places that matter to you, you begin to see the creativity you have always had inside you. You become the sensory, descriptive, detailed, meaningful writer you are meant to be.

I could teach you a formula for writing a story, an essay, or a song.  But I'd rather help you uncover your own story gold. Your gold is the stories you are called to share and the ones you are truly meant to tell.

On this journey, you'll gain a base of stories, a framework to follow and a clear point of direction.

The Creative Compass is a proven process that offers a door into your creativity and greater well-being. Your entry point for this unique journey is your sense of place.

Your sense of place can be found anywhere. It can be your kitchen or the wilderness. It can be found in a memory or the present moment. What is so surprisingly true is that starting with places will lead you to your stories. Finding your sense of place, which can be found anywhere, is a gateway into your creativity. 

When you include your sense of place, your writing becomes grounded in details, relevance, and meaning.

Through discovering symbols and metaphors in your surroundings, you find the key to the creative mind. In turn, this elevates your writing, creativity, and your sense of self. You start to apply these skills to craft stories from memories, experiences and ideas with a new sense of polish, purpose and direction.

Together we uncover the answers to these questions: 

What are your stories now? 

What is the best way to tell them?

How do they fit together?

Together we hone and polish your skills through: 

A powerful sequence of meaningful prompts and explorations.

The support and feedback from a nourishing community of peers and 1-to-1 mentorship with Erica.

A process for setting your own goals and intentions.

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The Creative Compass journey blends my expertise in creativity, sense of place and story-crafting to help you find, hone and share your stories.

This in-depth knowledge comes from decades of experience as a touring artist, creating CD's of songs rooted in a sense of place, and performing across the country. I have developed workshops to help others find their sense-of-place stories, providing my Sense of Place and the Art of Interpretation professional development training for the staff of national parks, historic sites, museums, and more.

I know how hard it can be to find just the right words and tone to convey what you want to say, but also how amazing it feels when you do. And how rewarding it is to know that others fully grasp what you are trying to communicate.

My work combines my wisdom and experience to guide you towards your path for expressing what you most want to say. 

Everything I've ever created, from my songs or other writings to professional development training has come from this process: awareness, reflection, integration, and expression.

This three-month journey gives you time and the support to dive in deep. It gives you time to follow this progression, and gain the most from your experience. It gives you a framework to allow your deeper stories to emerge.

Each month in this  program includes:

  • Four live weekly 60-90-minute classes ( $297 value)
  • One monthly retreat ($125 value)
  • One 15 min. 1-to-1 integration call ($50 value)
  • One half-hour 1-to-1 focusing and feedback call ($100 value)
  • Integrative guidebook ($75 value)
  • One 3-month campfire pass. ($60 value) 
  • Private forum for ongoing community support
    ($ priceless!)

Total Value: $2,121 

Charter membership price:

$1,320 (save $801) 

or $460 for 3-monthly payments (save $741)

February: Presence and Awareness 

Discovery Class and Creative Writing Retreat

Creative, reflective projects and in-the-field experiences to find your inner and outer stories.

Weekly Classes:
Sundays, February 7th, 14th, 21th, 28th
1:00 to 2:00 ET*
*Note: On February 7th we'll meet from 12:00 to 2:30. This class is a 2.5-hour session so we can create our vision boxes together.

Monthly Retreat:
Creative Writing Retreat
Hone your writing process and practice with this deeper dive.

Saturday, February 20th
1:00 to 4:00 ET


March: Skill Building and Integration

Creative Writing Group and Grounded in Place Retreat

Build your skills and begin to develop your stories through powerful prompts and practices. 

Weekly Classes: 
Sundays, March 7th, 14th, 28th
12:30 to 2:00 ET

Monthly Retreat:
Grounded in Place Retreat  Experience seven core practices to immerse yourself in a deep sense of place and belonging, wherever you are. 

Saturday, March 20th,
10:00 to 3:00 ET

April: Self Expression and Polishing your Craft

Creative Writing Group and Songbird Storycraft Retreat

Develop your stories into your truest form of expression

Weekly Classes: 
Sundays, April 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
12:30 to 2:00 ET

Monthly Retreat:
Songbird Storycraft Retreat
Songs are stories; condensed and compact. This fun retreat will offer story-based songwriting tools to hone your writing craft. 

Saturday, April 17th
1:00 to 4:00 ET



12-week Program Access

Each month includes: 

  • Weekly classes
  • One monthly retreat 
  • One 15-minute 1-to-1 integration call 
  • One half-hour 1-to-1 focus and feedback call
  • Integrative guidebook
  • One 3-month campfire pass. 
  • Private forum for ongoing community support

3 Monthly Payments


12-week Program Access

Each month includes: 

  • Weekly classes
  • One monthly retreat 
  • One 15-minute 1-to-1 integration call 
  • One half-hour 1-to-1 focus and feedback call
  • Integrative guidebook
  • One 3-month campfire pass. 
  • Private forum for ongoing community support

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And be the first to be notified when sales re-open for the Creative Compass Journey.

Not sure if this program is for you?

Book a 20-minute Discovery Call with Erica to learn more, OR check out her other available classes and retreats here.

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